Anchorman Drinking Game: Movie Madness and Coin Challenge

Anchorman Drinking GameAnchorman Drinking Game

Ready to take your Anchorman movie night to a whole new level? With Ron Burgundy’s absurd one-liners, Brick’s nonsensical outbursts, and that legendary news team showdown, it’s begging for a drinking game. In this guide, we’ll break down all the best rules for Anchorman and Anchorman 2, introduce a competitive coin drinking game, and toss in some wild variations for those who want to go full-on Anchorman mode. Now, Grab your drink, your best “I love lamp” impression, and let’s dive into the fun.

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy Drinking Game 

How to Play the Classic Anchorman Drinking Game

The Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy drinking game is all about the movie’s best scenes and quotes. The rules are simple: follow the cues, take a drink, and let Ron Burgundy and his crew lead you through a night of hilarious, chaotic fun.

Drinking Rules for Famous Anchorman Scenes

  • Take a drink every time Ron says, “I’m Ron Burgundy?”
  • Take a sip whenever Brick says something that makes absolutely no sense. (“I love lamp” counts.)
  • Take a drink whenever someone reports the news on Channel 4. News is serious business!
  • Finish your drink during the epic news team showdown scene—because that escalated quickly!
  • Bonus Rule: Anytime Baxter (Ron’s dog) makes an appearance, everyone must raise their drink and say, “To Baxter!” before taking a sip. Because, let’s be honest, Baxter is the true star.

Customizing the Rules for Your Group

The great thing about the Anchorman drinking game is how easily you can adjust the rules to suit your group. 

  • For lighter drinkers: Reduce the number of drinking cues to keep things easy-going.
  • Want to raise the stakes? Add extra rules for iconic moments. Try these:
    • Take a drink whenever Ron gives Veronica a creepy compliment.
    • Sip every time someone on the news team says “classy.”
  • For the heavyweights: Introduce a “finish your drink” rule during long scenes, like Ron’s unforgettable jazz flute solo.

No matter how you customize it, you’ll be laughing hard—and possibly forgetting your own name, just like Ron.

Anchorman Movie Drinking Games
Anchorman Movie Drinking Games

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues Drinking Game 

How to Play the Anchorman 2 Drinking Game

The sequel, Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues, takes the ridiculousness to a whole new level. With new characters, outrageous storylines, and Ron Burgundy’s ego bigger than ever, it’s the perfect follow-up for a drinking game. Get ready for more cringe-worthy compliments, even weirder Brick moments, and of course, more Baxter!

Drinking Rules for Anchorman 2

  • Take a sip whenever Ron mentions GNN (Global News Network), his new home.
  • Drink every time Brick awkwardly flirts with Chani. His attempts at love are both endearing and disturbing.
  • Finish your drink during the insane RV crash scene, because seriously, how did anyone survive that?
  • Bonus Rule: Whenever Ron bottle-feeds a shark, everyone has to shout “SHARK!” and take a big gulp. Yes, this really happens.

Anchorman and Anchorman 2 Marathon

If you’re feeling ambitious, you can mix both Anchorman and Anchorman 2 rules into one massive drinking game night. 

  • Start with the original: Kick things off with Anchorman and let the drinking cues warm up the group.
  • Roll into the sequel: Once everyone’s in the groove, dive into Anchorman 2 to keep the laughs (and drinks) going.
  • Combine iconic cues: Mix rules from both movies—drink whenever Ron brags or when Brick says something ridiculous.

Just remember, pacing is key—if you don’t want to end up completely lost like Brick!

Funny Variations for Anchorman Movie Drinking Game

Let’s kick it up a notch. The movie drinking games are great, but sometimes you want to add a little extra insanity to your night. Enter these wild variations—guaranteed to push your group from slightly tipsy to full-on Anchorman mode.

“I Love Lamp” Shot Challenge

Every time Brick says something random like “I love lamp,” players must take a shot. But here’s the twist: before you take the shot, you have to declare your love for a random object in the room. “I love… toaster!” If you can’t think of something fast enough, chug your drink instead.

“Ron’s Ego” Rule

Whenever Ron brags about how amazing he is (which is all the time), everyone must flex their muscles and take a big gulp. To add an extra layer of chaos, introduce an “ego meter”—rank his bragging on a scale of 1 to 10. Whoever gives the lowest score has to drink double.

“Brick’s Brain Freeze” Challenge

During any scene where Brick says something so incomprehensible it makes your brain freeze, players must take turns saying something equally nonsensical. If no one can top Brick’s weirdness within 10 seconds, they have to drink. Example: Brick says, “I ate a big red candle.” You respond with, “My shoes are made of spaghetti!”

The “Channel 4 Battle Royale”

Whenever the news team battle happens, each player picks a news team to represent (e.g., Channel 4, Channel 2, Channel 9). Every time your chosen team member gets hit or fights, you drink. The last player standing without finishing their drink wins the battle and gets to make a new rule for the rest of the game.

“Baxter’s Revenge” Chug

Baxter the dog is adorable, but he’s also a wild card. Every time Baxter appears, the player who has taken the fewest drinks has to chug for 10 seconds. And if Baxter “talks” via subtitles, the player must finish their drink immediately.

Anchorman Coin Drinking Game
Anchorman Coin Drinking Game

Anchorman Coin Drinking Game Rules

Want to mix competition with Anchorman madness? The Anchorman coin drinking game brings the chaos of a newsroom brawl straight to your party. It’s all about chugging, coin-tossing, and iconic movie moments, with Civil War drinking game twists thrown in.

Team Setup: Channel 4 vs. Evening News

Divide into two teams with 6 or 8 players based on Anchorman characters, just like the Civil War game divides players by factions. You’ll have:

  • Team Channel 4 News: Led by Ron Burgundy, this team includes Brick, Champ, and Brian.
  • Team Wes Mantooth’s Evening News: The rival news team led by Wes Mantooth. They are out for revenge and chugging victory.

How the Anchorman Coin Game Works

Instead of using Ping Pong balls in the Civil War drinking game, both teams compete to land coins into a central pitcher of beer, but with Anchorman flair added to every move.

  • Objective: Toss coins into a pitcher of beer. First team to land all four coins wins, and the losing team drinks.
  • Character Roles: Each player takes on the role of a key character from the Anchorman movies and follows specific character-based rules during their turn.

Anchorman Lingo Incorporated into the Coin Game

Much like the Civil War drinking game with its own terminology, the Anchorman coin game is full of iconic quotes and chaos.

  • Ron’s Rule: Ron must say, “I’m Ron Burgundy?” after tossing. If he forgets, his team drinks.
  • Brick’s Rule: Brick says something random like “I love lamp” before tossing. If the other team laughs, they drink.
  • Champ’s Rule: Champ yells, “I love you, Ron!” before tossing. If he forgets, his team drinks.
  • Brian’s Rule: If Brian lands a coin, he says, “60% of the time, it works every time.” The other team drinks.
  • Assemble! Rule: Start each round with “News team, assemble!” Whoever lands a coin while shouting makes the other team drink for 5 seconds.
  • Veronica’s Rule: If someone misses, Veronica says, “I’m a professional!” If Ron doesn’t reply, the player drinks.
  • Stay Classy Rule: Losing team says, “Stay classy, San Diego,” and drinks.

The Role of the Anchorman

Being the Anchorman is kind of like being Ron Burgundy—you’re the star of the show, but with great power comes great responsibility. While your team takes leisurely sips, you’re left with whatever remains in the pitcher.

  • Team Tactics: Your teammates drink first, but they decide how much beer they leave for you. If they like you, maybe they’ll leave just a sip. If not? Prepare for a full pitcher.
  • Finishing Strong: As the Anchorman, you have 2 minutes to finish the pitcher. Keep it steady, but if you’re down to the wire, chug like your life depends on it!

There you have it—the ultimate guide to Anchorman drinking games, from classic movie rules to the competitive coin challenge. Whether you’re quoting Ron Burgundy or trying to survive as the Anchorman, these games are sure to make your night unforgettable. Just remember, “Stay classy, and drink responsibly, San Diego.”