Yahtzee Drinking Game Rules & Drunk Yahtzee Scorecard for A Fun Night

Yahtzee Drinking Game PartyYahtzee Drinking Game Party

Love Yahtzee? Love drinking? Well, get ready to combine the two into one legendary game night experience! The Yahtzee Drinking Game is the ultimate way to turn a classic dice game into a hilarious, slightly chaotic, and booze-filled adventure.

Whether you’re sipping beer, drinking cocktails, or creating your own custom rules, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know—including fun drinking penalties, wild variations, and even a printable scorecard to keep things organized. So grab your dice, fill up your cup, and let’s roll! 

How to Play the Yahtzee Drinking Game? 

Yahtzee Drinking Game Rules
Yahtzee Drinking Game Rules

The Yahtzee Drinking Game follows the same basic rules as traditional Yahtzee but with drinking penalties and rewards added to the dice rolls. 

Step 1: Game Setup

  • 5 Dices
  • Everyone gets a Yahtzee scorecard (printable versions below!)
  • Drinks (beer, mixed drinks, or anything you like)
  • A group of friends ready for a challenge (at least 2 players)

Step 2: Rolling the Dice

  • The game consists of 13 rounds. Each player takes turns rolling the dice and trying to achieve different combinations.
  • On a turn, the player rolls all five dice up to three times. The player may reroll any or all dice up to two times to try for a better combination.
  • After the third roll (or earlier if the player chooses), the player must place their score in one empty box on the scorecard.
  • The goal is to get the best possible combinations on your scorecard.

Step 3: Scoring Your Roll

The scorecard is divided into two sections: the Upper Section and the Lower Section.

Upper Section

In this section, players try to roll as many of the same number as possible. The score for each category is the sum of the corresponding dice.

CategoryHow to Score
Aces (Ones)Sum of all ones rolled
TwosSum of all twos rolled
ThreesSum of all threes rolled
FoursSum of all fours rolled
FivesSum of all fives rolled
SixesSum of all sixes rolled
Yahtzee Dice Game Upper Section

Bonus: If the total score in the Upper Section is 63 or more, the player earns a 35-point bonus.

Lower Section

This section contains specific dice combinations:

CategoryHow to Score
Three of a KindAt least three of the same number; sum of all dice
Four of a KindAt least four of the same number; sum of all dice
Full HouseThree of one number and two of another (e.g., 3-3-3-2-2); 25 points
Small StraightFour consecutive numbers (e.g., 1-2-3-4 or 2-3-4-5); 30 points
Large StraightFive consecutive numbers (e.g., 1-2-3-4-5 or 2-3-4-5-6); 40 points
YahtzeeFive of the same number; 50 points
ChanceAny roll; sum of all dice
Yahtzee Dice Game Lower Section

Yahtzee Bonus: If a player rolls another Yahtzee (five of a kind) after already scoring a 50-point Yahtzee, they get a 100-point bonus. The extra Yahtzee must also be placed in another category (such as Three of a Kind or Chance).

Step 4: The Yahtzee Drinking Rules

Every roll comes with potential drinking consequences! Here are some fun and standard drinking penalties to get you started. (Or you can just use the Drunk Yahtzee Scorecard as below!)

  1. The Cursed Ace: If you roll a 1 (Ace) on any die, you take a sip. Roll multiple 1s in a single turn? Take that many sips!
  2. Drink for a Yahtzee (Five-of-a-Kind): If you roll a Yahtzee (all five dice the same number), you get to assign drinks to other players. Example: If you roll five 4s, you can choose four other players to take a drink!
  3. The Picky Reroller: If you reroll all five dice in a single turn, finish your drink!
  4. The 100-Point Shot: If you roll a Yahtzee for the second time in a game, you must take a shot.
  5. The Waterfall Rule (For Straights): Rolling a Small Straight (four consecutive numbers) or Large Straight (five consecutive numbers) starts a waterfall—everyone drinks in order, stopping only when the person before them does.
  6. Extreme Yahtzee (For Hardcore Drinkers) : Add these extra rules:
  • Rolling a pair of 3s? Take 3 sips.
  • Rolling a pair of 6s? Take 6 sips.
  • If you roll a Yahtzee but can’t score it, chug your drink.
  1. Team Yahtzee (Drinking Buddy Mode) : Players pair up, and when one partner drinks, the other does too! If a player misses a category, their partner drinks instead.

Step 5: Scoring & Ending the Game

  • Each player must fill in one box per turn, even if it means entering a zero.
  • If you can’t use your roll in any category, you must enter a 0 in one box.
  • After 13 rounds, players total their scores.
  • The player with the highest total score wins!

Keep rolling, drinking, and laughing as the night goes on. The more you play, the funnier (and harder) it gets to strategize your moves!

Wild Yahtzee Drinking Game Rules
Wild Yahtzee Drinking Game Rules

Last Call Yahtzee – Play Free Online Yahtzee Game

Looking for a free Yahtzee dice game to play solo or with friends? Say hello to Last Call Yahtzee—the free online Yahtzee game you can play anytime, anywhere, no download needed!

Just 4 simple steps to start rolling:

1️⃣ Roll – Up to three chances to score big.
2️⃣ Hold & Reroll – Keep what you like, reroll the rest.
3️⃣ Score It – Pick the best category for max points.
4️⃣ Drink Up! – Special rolls = hilarious drinking rules.

No dice? No worries. No excuses. Just grab your crew, pour a drink, and let’s see if luck is on your side! Play online Yahtzee dice game now!

Wild & Creative Yahtzee Drinking Game Variations 

Want to take your Drunk Yahtzee Night to the next level of chaos and hilarity? These wild and creative variations will have you and your friends rolling (literally and figuratively) with laughter. Get ready for ridiculous challenges, unexpected twists, and next-level drinking penalties.

1. Sloppy Yahtzee (For Players Who Are Already Half-Drunk) 

  • Every time you roll the dice, you must pick up and set down your drink before touching the dice. Mess up? Take a penalty sip.
  • If you accidentally knock over the dice (because, let’s be honest, drunk coordination is questionable), you must finish your drink.
  • Rolling doubles? You must swap seats with another player (while still holding your drink). If you spill your drink? Chug another.

2. Reverse Yahtzee (Drunken Uno Mode) 

  • Instead of drinking when you mess up, you can force another player to drink.
  • Scored a Full House? Pick a player—they drink instead!
  • Rolled a Yahtzee? You don’t drink at all, but everyone else at the table does.
  • Landed on a bad roll (like all 1s)? Swap drinks with the person to your right.

3. Strip Yahtzee  

  • Every time you roll a Yahtzee, you pick someone to remove an article of clothing.
  • Miss your category? You lose a sock.
  • Scored a Large Straight? Choose a player—they either take a shot OR remove a piece of clothing.
  • If someone rolls five 1s, everyone must remove something—including YOU!

4. Russian Roulette Yahtzee (Pure Chaos Mode) 

Russian Roulette Yahtzee Drinking Game
Russian Roulette Yahtzee Drinking Game
  • Before the game starts, set up six mystery shot glasses—some with alcohol, some with water (or worse, pickle juice, soy sauce, etc.).
  • Whenever a player rolls a number that matches their seat number, they must take a mystery shot.
  • If someone rolls three-of-a-kind, they get to choose who takes a mystery shot.
  • Roll a Yahtzee? Everyone takes a mystery shot.

5. The Drunken Auction (Bidding Wars!) 

  • Every round, before rolling, players can “bid” drinks in exchange for extra dice rolls.
  • Want to reroll the whole set? Take a shot.
  • Want to reroll just one die? Take a sip.
  • Rolled all odds? You can auction your score to another player—but they have to match your drink amount!

6. The Dizzy Dice Rule (Make Movement Harder) 

  • Before every third round, all players must spin around five times before rolling.
  • If they stumble, trip, or knock anything over, they take a shot.
  • Roll a Yahtzee while dizzy? Everyone else has to spin twice before their turn!

7. Drunk Dungeon Yahtzee (RPG Mode) 

  • Each player chooses a “Yahtzee Character Class” at the start of the game:
    • The Barbarian: Can force one player per game to chug a drink.
    • The Wizard: Can “curse” another player (forcing them to roll with their non-dominant hand for a round).
    • The Thief: Can “steal” someone else’s roll result once per game.
    • The Cleric: Can give a drink to anyone in need.
  • If you roll all odd numbers, you must roleplay your character for the next turn while drinking.

8. Silent Yahtzee (Shhh!) 

  • Once the game starts, NO ONE is allowed to talk—except to announce their dice rolls.
  • If you talk, you take a drink.
  • If you talk while drunk, you take two drinks.
  • Laughter, pointing, and miming are all encouraged—but words will get you punished.

9. King’s Yahtzee (Ultimate Party Combo) 

  • Combine King’s Cup and Yahtzee!
  • Each number on the dice represents a different party rule (e.g., “rolling a 3 means ‘Never Have I Ever’”).
  • If you roll a Yahtzee, you make a new rule that lasts for the rest of the game.
  • If someone breaks that rule, they drink!

10. Speed Yahtzee (Fast & Furious Mode) 

  • Players have 30 seconds per turn to roll, score, and drink.
  • If you take too long, you chug your drink and lose your turn.
  • If a player scores a Yahtzee under 10 seconds, everyone else has to take a shot!

How Many of These Can You Handle?

If you thought normal Drunk Yahtzee was fun, wait until you throw in one (or multiple) of these wild variations! Whether you’re spinning in circles, playing as a drunken wizard, or swapping drinks with the person next to you, these ideas guarantee an unforgettable night.

Your Challenge:

1️⃣ Try at least two of these variations at your next party.
2️⃣ Share your funniest moments with your friends.
3️⃣ Come back and tell me which one completely wrecked your group!

Printable Yahtzee Drinking Rules Scorecard

Printable Yahtzee Drinking Rules Scorecard
Printable Yahtzee Drinking Rules Scorecard

Want to keep track of your scores and drinks? Download a Yahtzee Drinking Game Scorecard for a more structured (but still chaotic) experience!


The ultimate dice-rolling, booze-chugging challenge!

  1. Print the Yahtzee scorecard out.
  2. Mark your scores AND your drinks as you go.
  3. Each round, follow the drinking penalties listed below.

Scorecard Layout (Print This & Use for Tracking!)

CategoryScoreDrink Penalty
Ones_____The Cursed Ace: Sip for every 1 rolled
Twos_____Drink 2 sips for a Double 2 rolled
Threes_____If you roll all 3s, pick someone to drink
Fours_____If you roll all 4s, you take a shot
Fives_____If you miss scoring, finish your drink
Sixes_____Large straight? Everyone drinks!
Three-of-a-Kind_____Pick a player to take a drink
Four-of-a-Kind_____Assign drinks equal to your highest die roll
Full House_____Take 2 drinks, cheers your neighbor
Small Straight_____Waterfall! Everyone starts to drink
Large Straight_____Waterfall! Everyone starts to drink
Yahtzee! (5 of a kind)_____You’re the king! Everyone else takes a shot
Chance (Any Combo)_____If under 15 points, you drink!
Printable Drunk Yahtzee Scorecard

Optional Rules:

  • The Picky Reroller: If you reroll all five dice in a single turn, finish your drink!
  • Roll all odd numbers: Take a drink & spin around before your next roll!
  • Rolling all even numbers: Give out drinks equal to the highest number you rolled!

Print this out, grab some drinks, and let Drunk Yahtzee Night begin! 

Tips for Hosting a Drunk Yahtzee Game Night

Drunk Yahtzee Game
Drunk Yahtzee Game

Before you get too competitive (or too drunk), here are some pro tips to keep the game fun and safe:

Golden Rules of Drunk Yahtzee:

  • Pace yourself – Yahtzee has 13 rounds, and that’s a lot of drinks!
  • Know when to quit – If you can’t count past 3, maybe sit out a round.
  • Hydration breaks – Water = survival.
  • Eat before playing – Nobody wants to babysit your blackout moment.
  • Don’t be a sore loser – The dice hate everyone equally!

Best Drinks to Pair with Drunk Yahtzee

The ultimate guide to the best drinks for each Yahtzee variation:

  • Beginner-Friendly – Light beers, fruity cocktails, seltzers
  • Intermediate – Classic cocktails (Margaritas, Whiskey & Coke)
  • Hardcore Mode – Tequila shots, Absinthe, Everclear (if you dare)
  • Themed Drinking Ideas – Yahtzee & Wine Night, Beer Pong + Yahtzee Combo, etc.

Gives players fun drink ideas and helps them choose their level of chaos for the night.

The Ultimate Drunk Yahtzee Playlist

A party-approved playlist to set the mood for drunken dice-rolling greatness! There are some song ideas:

  • Classic Hype Songs – “Shots” (LMFAO), “We Will Rock You” (Queen)
  • Throwback Party Jams – “Yeah!” (Usher), “Livin’ on a Prayer” (Bon Jovi)
  • Drinking Anthems – “Drunk in Love” (Beyoncé), “Tequila” (The Champs)
  • Chaotic Energy Bangers – “Turn Down for What” (DJ Snake & Lil Jon)
  • Bonus: A “Yahtzee Victory Song” for anyone who rolls a Yahtzee!

A good playlist = legendary party vibes! Players will appreciate a curated soundtrack for their drunken dice shenanigans.

Other Fun Dice Drinking Games to Try 

If you love the Yahtzee Drinking Game, check out these other dice drinking games:

  • Shotzee – Like Yahtzee, but all about taking shots.
  • Quarters – Bouncing quarters into a cup has never been more competitive!
  • Ship, Captain, Crew – A fun pirate-themed dice drinking game.
  • Kinito –  A fast-paced bluffing game where you roll, lie (or not), and risk drinking if you’re caught or wrong!
  • Biscuit – Roll a 7 to become the “Biscuit” and call the shots! Doubles assign drinks, snake eyes make everyone sip, and a 7 means a forehead slap and a shout—last one drinks!

The Yahtzee Drinking Game is the perfect mix of luck, strategy, and party fun. Whether you’re playing the classic version, wild Yahtzee, or Shotzee, you’re guaranteed a hilarious, unforgettable night.

Final Words: Drink responsibly, have fun, and may the luckiest (or drunkest) player win the game!